
Practical Competency Assessment – Administration of Medication

The MMG Practical Competency Assessment – Administration of Medication serves a dual purpose. Not only does it assist assessors in documenting successful completions or constructive feedback/recommendations, but it also provides guidance to ensure robust procedures are followed, minimizing risks. By emphasising safety and competence, this assessment contributes significantly to maintaining high standards in medication administration.

Practical competency assessments for medication administration are important to ensure that staff are properly trained and competent to administer medication.  Assessments should be conducted before staff start administering medication unsupervised, and then at least once a year after that. Assessments may need to be conducted more frequently if circumstances warrant it, such as if a medication error occurs.  Please remember that assessments should be conducted by a competent assessor who evaluates the staff’s knowledge, understanding, and skills. Records of competency assessments should be kept, along with the dates when they are due for review.  Assessments can help identify any training needs for staff, and ensure that they are following the most recent good practice requirements.



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